Favorite Book of 2024
This year, as I have done for the past 6 years, I read 12 books (even if my Goodreads profile says otherwise). This year, there is one book I particularly enjoyed: No Rules Rules.
The book, written by Reed Hastings (CEO of Netflix) and Erin Meyer (Author of The Culture Map — another great book), explains how the Netflix focuses on talent density and its impact on the overall culture.
The bottom line is simple: hire very talented and creative people, enable them to speak their mind freely, be transparent, pay them top market and let them do what is best for the company.
The counter-part of this book is that anybody not performing up to the expectation is let go. And this is a good thing: either at work or in life, there is no good reason for keeping someone who is not a fit — nobody benefits from it.
Netflix principles seem basic and simple and yet, you find yourself to be doing the opposite of what is recommended.
If you work in a tech company or not, I highly recommend this book. Not only it explains how Netflix came to adopt these principles, but helps you to reflect on your management, work style and principles.