How I make decisions
We usually take too much time making decisions. I see people wondering if they should marry their partner, change careers or pursue a dream. I follow the regret minimization framework, as defined as Bezos: I wonder if I will regret this decision when I am on my deathbed.
I have almost no regrets in my life. For the few mistakes I made I tried to resolve the issue. Sometimes I succeeded and sometimes I failed. But I always try if I think this is a life-defining issue.
Bezos also defines one-way door and two-ways doors decision. A one-way door decision cannot be reversed easily. A two-way door decisions can be reversed easily. I try to make many two-way doors decisions quick and take a lot of time to weight on one-way door decision.
You want to maximize the velocity in your life and dedicate brain-time to one-way door decisions and ensure that you will die peacefully and not regret the decisions you made during your short journey.